La Cabra Cacao
We have long been fascinated by taste experiences in many fields, carefully produced wines, skilfully brewed beers, or a beautifully balanced dish. However, not many other products have so many parallels to speciality coffee than high-quality cacao. The level of care taken in the field, the fermentation, the roasting and production stages leads clearly to an elevated taste experience, with character that can be traced back to intentional decisions taken by farmer, roaster, and chocolate maker.

Not many other products have so many parallels to speciality coffee than high-quality cacao.
Our years of experience in coffee sourcing have led us to this point. As plants with very similar agronomic properties, cacao and coffee often grow harmonically alongside each other, requiring similar conditions to produce high quality fruit. During visits to coffee producing countries, we have seen several cocoa plantations, and many of our long standing partners also work with high quality cacao. We’re excited to see how our experience can translate into cacao, and believe that the first releases that we have secured live up to the high standards we set for our coffees.