Hario Switch
We've recently updated our bar recipe to use the Hario Switch for our seasonal offerings. The ability to halt the V60's outflow allows us to extract at a fast rate while maintaining a balanced cup profile.
This recipe produces a juicy and acidic brew with high clarity and aromatic complexity. It's a bit lighter than our previous V60 recipe, but we believe it better represents our lots.

Brew Guide
Equipment Hario Switch, Paper filter, Scale, Timer, Grinder, Pitcher
Brew Time 2:00 min
Water 250g purified water at 96C
Coffee 15g
1. Insert the paper into your V60 and rinse it with hot water. This step eliminates any paper taste and preheats the brewer.
2. Grind your coffee beans to a medium-coarse setting. Add the coffee to the brewer and reset your scale. Ensure the switch is pointing upwards, keeping the valve closed.
3. Start your timer. Pour 60g water to create the bloom.
At 45 secs: flip the switch so the coffee starts flowing out of the brewer and pour in the remaining 190g of water.
The water should have drained through at around 2:00.
Hand brew
Our seasonal lineup of coffees is expertly curated to offer vibrant and refreshing flavors that are perfect for hand brew. When brewing coffee, we always aim for the clearest expression of the raw material. We never try to change the flavour of the coffee, by making it more acidic or unnecessarily sweet. We don’t want to overcomplicate matters, we like to work within a framework of grams and recipes but focus on tasting and then adjusting with every brew.
Every coffee has a different expression, and we recommend experimentation and resting the coffee before brewing. Read more about our approach to resting and brewing by following the link below.