Caficultores Diferenciado del Norte del Tolima
Educardo’s farm is located just outside the town of Villahermosa, in an area known to produce some of the best coffees in this remote part of Northern Tolima. Educardo is part of a new wave of producers here, looking to put this incredibly remote region on the specialty coffee map, and therefore create a more economically viable business producing coffee. Together with a small group of nearby producers, including our friend and co-founder of LaREB, Herbert Peñaloza, Educardo is part of Caficultores Diferenciado del Norte del Tolima (CDNT, The association of differentiated coffee growers of Northern Tolima).
Together these producers work to improve both the quality and range of the coffees they produce, and through the LaREB collective, find roasters willing to pay good prices for quality.
Educardo was one of the founding members of the project, and has since introduced his brother Yesid, who we have worked with several times. During our visits to the region around Casabianca and Villahermosa, we are reminded of the remoteness of the area, with very few cars to be seen on the narrow roads that snake through the valleys and mountainsides of the stunning lush green landscape. We are always struck by the openness and hospitality of the people here, warmly welcoming us and each other into their homes.

Educardo Flores
This lot in particular is of Colombia and Castillo varietals, and is processed using a rather straightforward washed process. Ripe cherries are fermented in sealed bags for 2 days, de-pulped, washed and transferred to parabolic driers. The focus here, however, is on quality varietals grown carefully with positive influence from terroir. This lot has a crisp and fresh expression, with bright red berries and currants balanced by sweet black tea.